Friday, March 15, 2013

Habemus Papam Also In His Mid-Thousands

As I was watching YouTube videos while trying to type my study guide  typing up my study guide for class yesterday, a notification came upon my phone from CNN and NYTimes announcing that the College of Cardinals made a decision on a new pope. First, my thought was how can it already be 15 days? Didn't we just get rid of a pope? I mean DAMN someone must of been in a rush.  My second thought was he was going to be old. The reason for this is because I thought that the reason why we got rid of Pope Benedict Pope Emertus resigned was because of his age.

Courtesy of Awesomely Luvvie 
Didn't we decide this the last time about the pope? College of Cardinals, what the heck in Hecks name is going on? Where are all of the people who are in there twenties that applied for the job? You couldn't find anyone younger? 

Follow me on twitter @dan19310 

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